Anzac Day is a time to commemorate and acknowledge the bravery of our servicemen and women, and the sacrifices they have made for our country. On April 25th each year, we remember those who have fallen, those who continue to serve, and those who have returned home from service. These honourable men and women have, and continue to, fulfil their duties with pride and with purpose.

However, when servicemen and women return home and transition out of armed services back into civilian life, it’s not uncommon for them to struggle to settle into their new roles in civilian life. 

career transitions are already tough enough

Career transitions can be challenging enough as it is, and for veterans, they are not just transitioning from role to role. Serving in the defence force is not just a job, it’s a way of life. And when they leave the defence force, they are changing their entire lifestyle as well. The life they are transitioning out of will be of stark contrast to the life they will transition into.

This is not to discredit the incredible skills servicepeople have developed during their time representing our country, quite the opposite. From leadership and project management, to tech, IT, and logistics, veterans are armed with a wealth of transferable skills and expertise. These people truly understand the meaning of teamwork, resilience and integrity.

the stats are stacked against veterans

But the unfortunate fact remains, veterans face much higher unemployment rates than their civilian counterparts. Veterans can also face underemployment as well, taking any kind of role to avoid seeking welfare. Of course, returning home and struggling to find a new career and purpose can only compound the stress and anxiety that some veterans can already be dealing with as a result of their duties and experiences.

Many support services for veterans, would like more focus on the mental well being of veterans after leaving the ADF and support addressed to help support their transition into civilian life. We know that finding work and having a purpose, feeling of achievement can help with that.

veterans need career support

This only highlights the dire need for returning service personnel to have the support they need to transition back into civilian life, and for programs to specifically address the skills and expertise defence force personnel can bring to an extensive range of roles and industries. Finding a meaningful new career can be key to helping veterans make use of the incredible skills they can offer, encourage developing new social relationships, and to help them find a new purpose outside of armed services.

As one of the largest recruitment companies in Australia, Randstad is proud to be working alongside WithYouWithMe, who specialise in supporting veterans through complicated hiring processes and matching employment gaps with skilled veterans seeking meaningful work.

Veterans are highly-skilled, intelligent, and hard-working members of society, who bring incredible value to the businesses and teams they work in. And not only has Randstad employed more than 25 veterans to work within the business, they have also worked with WithYouWithMe to help veterans secure meaningful job placements across a range of industries.

Randstad’s General Manager of Diversity and Inclusion, Kerry McQuillan, has a special focus on raising awareness within their industry clientele of the importance of supporting veterans in their return to work, while highlighting their incredible attributes such as leadership, initiative, problem solving and creative thinking.

Veterans are passionate and driven, with strong values, and come equipped with in-demand expertise. Randstad and WithYouWithMe urge businesses to embrace and create opportunities for veterans and their specialised skill sets while encouraging veterans to get in touch to discuss the wealth of opportunities for employment available.

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