It’s little use being known as a funky and edgy workplace if you’re running an aged care home. Your employer brand must match the candidates you’re looking to attract.

The attributes your company is famous for – its employer value proposition – must match the preferences of the candidates you would like to have worked within the business.

An airline's public image will likely differ from the employer brand of the armed forces, just as a mining company will be looking to develop a different image to that of a children’s charity. 

Rather than starting with your employer brand, begin by identifying the types of people you want within your business, flagging the drivers and preferences that are likely to attract them. Ensure your brand matches those preferences and you’ll make the staffing role a lot easier.

There is a certain amount we know about the employment preferences of specific types of people, from broad gender groups to special interest groups. Men prefer companies that are financially healthy, offer good career opportunities and job security, for instance. While women prefer flexible working arrangements, a pleasant working atmosphere and a good work/life balance.

Younger people are generally more interested in opportunities for career development and training, while those over 40 focus more closely on pay and job security. More mature workers over 55 look for good leadership, as well as meaning and respect in their work.

here’s what we know about personal priorities matching up with industry sectors.

Man showing a paper to a woman
Man showing a paper to a woman

priority - salary and benefits

  1. Mining and natural resources
  2. Professional services
  3. Banking and financial services

priority - career progression opportunities

  1. Professional services
  2. Banking and financial services
  3. State and Federal Government

priority - pleasant work atmosphere

  1. Aviation
  2.  FMCG
  3. Banking and financial services

priority - long-term job security

  1. State and Federal Government
  2. Banking and financial services
  3. Professional services

priority - work/life balance

  1. State and Federal Government
  2. Banking and financial services
  3. FMCG

As you can see, there is plenty of crossovers. But knowing the specific wants, needs, motivations and preferences of the people you’d like to attract to your business will help enormously when building a brand that will do exactly that.

Get it wrong, and not only will the right staff not apply, but good staff could also potentially leave.

Office workers walking outdoors
Office workers walking outdoors

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For more information that relates to employment in your sector, get in touch. 

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