In today's digital age, LinkedIn is a crucial platform for professional networking and job hunting. Whether you're actively looking for a new opportunity or just wanting to keep your profile current, having an optimised LinkedIn profile can make a significant difference in attracting recruiters. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to make your LinkedIn profile stand out and be more attractive to recruiters.

1. professional headline and photo


Your headline is the first thing recruiters notice, so make it count. A compelling headline should include your job title and key skills. For example: "Director of Communications | Strategic PR & Crisis Management Expert | Stakeholder Engagement Specialist." This headline clearly defines your role and highlights your expertise, making it easier for recruiters to understand your professional focus at a glance.


Use a high-quality, professional headshot with a neutral background. Your photo should be recent, and you should be dressed in attire that is appropriate for your industry. Profiles with photos are far more likely to be viewed than those without, making this a simple yet effective way to increase your visibility.

2. summary section

write an engaging summary:

Your summary is your elevator pitch. Write a concise and engaging summary that highlights your career achievements, skills, and what you bring to a potential employer. This is where you can showcase your personality and passion. Use keywords relevant to your industry to improve searchability. For example:

"As a seasoned Director of Communications with over 15 years of experience in public relations, crisis management, and stakeholder engagement, I have a proven track record of enhancing corporate reputation and driving business growth."

showcase your personality:

Let your personality shine through to make the summary more engaging and relatable. Sharing a bit about your professional journey, your values, and what motivates you can make your profile more appealing to recruiters.

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3. experience section

detail your roles:

Include detailed descriptions of your roles and responsibilities, focusing on achievements and outcomes. Use bullet points for clarity and make sure to highlight key projects and accomplishments. For example:

Led the communication strategy for a $50M acquisition, ensuring smooth integration and alignment with corporate values.

Increased social media engagement by 30% through targeted campaigns and content strategy.

use metrics:

Quantifying your achievements with metrics can make your contributions more tangible and impressive. Numbers and percentages provide clear evidence of your impact.

4. skills and endorsements

relevant skills:

List skills that are relevant to your industry and role. LinkedIn allows you to add up to 50 skills. Ensure that the top three skills listed are the most relevant and sought-after in your field.


Seek endorsements from colleagues, clients, and industry peers to add credibility to your listed skills. Endorsements act as a form of social proof, enhancing your profile's trustworthiness.

5. recommendations

request recommendations:

Request recommendations from current and former colleagues, supervisors, and clients. Aim for quality over quantity. A few detailed and genuine recommendations are more valuable than many generic ones.

give recommendations:

Offering recommendations to others can encourage them to reciprocate. This also shows that you are engaged and supportive of your network.

6. accomplishments and certifications

highlight your achievements:

Include any awards, recognitions, and notable projects. This section can set you apart by showcasing your unique contributions and successes.

list any certifications:

List any relevant certifications and courses to show your commitment to professional development. Continuous learning is highly valued by recruiters and demonstrates your dedication to staying current in your field.

Female working on laptop on a table at home
Female working on laptop on a table at home

7. engage and network

join relevant groups:

Join and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups to expand your network and visibility. Active participation in groups can position you as a thought leader and knowledgeable professional.

connect strategically:

Connect with professionals in your industry, including recruiters, hiring managers, and industry influencers. Personalise connection requests to increase acceptance rates.

engage with content:

Like, comment, and share industry-related content to stay active and visible on the platform. Engaging with content shows that you are informed and interested in industry developments.

8. content creation

publish articles:

Writing and publishing articles on LinkedIn can showcase your expertise and thought leadership. Regularly posting insightful articles can attract attention from recruiters and peers alike.

share insights:

Regularly share insights, updates, and industry news to keep your profile active and engaging. Consistent activity can help maintain your visibility in the LinkedIn feed.

9. profile optimisation

use keywords:

Incorporate industry-specific keywords throughout your profile to improve searchability. Keywords should be included in your headline, summary, experience, and skills sections.

customise URL:

Customise your LinkedIn URL to make it more professional and easier to share (e.g., A clean URL looks more professional on resumes and business cards.

10. contact information

include contact info:

Ensure your contact information is up-to-date and easily accessible. This can include your email address, phone number, or a link to your professional website. Making it easy for recruiters to contact you is crucial.

11. consistency

keep it updated:

Regularly update your profile with new roles, achievements, and skills. Keeping your profile current shows that you are active and engaged in your career.

consistency across platforms:

Ensure your LinkedIn profile is consistent with other professional profiles and your resume. Consistent branding across platforms can reinforce your professional image.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling LinkedIn profile that attracts recruiters and highlights your professional strengths and achievements. Optimising your LinkedIn profile not only increases your visibility but also positions you as a standout candidate in your field.

an icon of a cv

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