Discover how side projects can make you not only more employable but more promotable.
Whether running an e-commerce site or building websites, most tech professionals have a side hustle these days. It probably began as a way of making extra cash, or perhaps it was more about pursuing a passion.
Whatever the reason, the offshoot of a side project is that you’re spending your spare time developing new skills. Skills that you might not have had the chance to create in your day job will ultimately make you more employed and promotable.
show your passion
Side projects are an excellent way to show your passion outside of work – it offers prospective employers a more rounded picture of who you are and what makes you tick.
Projects closely associated with your career choice show your passion for the industry. It immediately tells an employer that you consider what you do to be more than just a job. That said, non-profession-related side projects help when parallels can be drawn to the role, company or industry in which you’re looking to gain employment.
It’s also important to differentiate what may be viewed as a side project instead of conflicting interests. So be sure you present it in a way that it’s viewed as adding value.

Website or app development, running tech meet-ups, gaming, robotics or other engineering-related projects are standard among tech professionals. All are viewed favourably by employers and recruiters. This side hustle shows an individual’s desire to be immersed in technology. While also demonstrating their proactive approach to the industry they’re passionate about – something that’s always well regarded by prospective employers.
Regarding more functional roles, we’re always interested in seeing candidates improving their business knowledge through involvement in clubs or business committees or examples of personal entrepreneurship.
You were taking part in activities outside your comfort zone – public speaking engagements, Toastmasters or even the occasional stand-up gig.
It will be viewed favourably, particularly in the new world of IT, where you’re expected to be a leader, not just fix the WiFi.
show your softer side
Beyond the constant improvement in your capability to perform the expected technical function of the role, you also need to pay attention to building your ‘softer’ skills.
Technology-related positions require individuals to have a strong appreciation of the company they work in and a clear idea of how their role is adding value, usually through enabling an increase in sales revenue or reducing cost.
This knowledge comes through a desire to increase this understanding and the ability to engage with business stakeholders.
Remember, while your education and experience may get your foot in the door, your soft skills keep them open. Your work ethic, communication skills and emotional intelligence are the soft skills crucial for a successful career.